All-in-all, this game is pretty damn incredible, and I can't wait to get a little further into it so I can play online as well. I turned off any of the major items of interest, like treasure map locations, etc., mainly because I want to hunt those down naturally along with some other things I'd rather stumble across by adventuring. \ I'm finding all kinds of cool stuff, anyway. I saw an awesome black duster coat hanging on a clothes line, but apparently you can't loot stuff like that. I'm traveling all over inspecting dream catchers and picking up those cards, finding collectibles and unique weapons, hats and masks. I like to pull it up on my tablet while I'm playing the game and look for things to go after. I was glad to see IGN made this one for RDR2. I know this is probably old news by now, but I didn't think to look for it until I remembered something similar with GTAV.