More than 320 sounds + detailed layered engine samples with audible failures simulation.Countless additional details, features, and animationHDR Lighting System.Rain, Fogging, Icing, Broken Windshield.Interior with many animations, vibrations, zero-G floating objects, baggage, and more.Engine Heater, GPU, Refueling details, Fuel Sampling, Oil Management.Lycoming IO-360-L2A with all engine parts.3D Model based on real aircraft and rebuild from the ground up.X-Plane 12 Support is our highest priority! RealSimGear Hardware compatibility planed for 2022. You can expect unprecedented Study Level Simulation of C172S with G1000 Avionics.

The most successful aircraft in history the Cessna 172S is now rebuilt from scratch by Airfoillabs for X-Plane as New Generation Airfoillabs Product Series.